Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'd rather be......JUICING?

I'm doing a juice cleanse thingy this week and all I can think about is how HUNGRY I am. Wah. Yes, I'm a 30 year old who is crying about a voluntary juice cleanse. Since I usually exhibit the will power of a three year old it's important for me to remain committed to this and make it. The plan is to do it for seven days but I will give myself MAJOR props for making it to five. This green lil' beauty is made of kale, spinach, brocoli, carrots, celery and apples. I've found that Pinterest is particularly annoying this week. Every time I log on it's nothing but cheesy dips and cupcakes......funny because normally it's those motivational pics of models with perfect abs as I'm busy stuffing my face. Go figure. No recipes this week, no solid food this week. Did I mention, WAH? Until next week, CHEERS!
